KEY QUESTIONS INCL. NOTES No. Question Ê 0 Please describe the main idea of your project. Please write a summary of your project here. This can be done in the form of a scientific publication (ÒabstractÓ), but can also be written informally.Ê 1 What specific challenge does your project address? What is the goal of your project? Please describe the specific challenge you want to address with your project and the goal you want to achieve with your solution. What is the purpose or benefit of your technology?Ê 2 How is your technology/method structured and how exactly does it work? Please describe how your technology is structured, how it works and how it is realized. What is the core of your innovation? How does this core contribute to achieving the goals? 3 What is your unique selling point (USP) that sets your solution apart from other solutions? Which new central technologies, methods or concepts give you an advantage over other projects? Which key technologies or unique features distinguish your project? How does this approach differ from other approaches? For example, which revolutionary unique selling point makes your project unique or particularly competitive? Can you secure this advantage in the long term and if so, how exactly? 4 What is the current status of your project and what level of readiness has your project currently reached? Please provide a detailed overview of the current development status and, if possible, the readiness level of your project using a suitable readiness level scale (use the dropdown if appropriate). For medical or pharmaceutical projects, information on clinical phases and regulatory approvals would also be of interest. For scientific projects, research and development stages are relevant. 5 Is there already a proof of concept (e.g. test results and demonstrators) regarding the functionality or feasibility of your project? If yes, please attach the relevant documentation to the annex. Please describe if there is already concrete evidence of the functionality and feasibility of the project. This can be done through test results, prototypes, pilot projects or demonstrators that show that the technology or concept works.Ê 6 What milestones do you want to achieve? Which work packages do you define for this? What are the total costs of the project and what is the financial requirement per milestone/work package? Please address the following aspects: * Clear overview of the expected total cost and schedule of your project * Definition of work packages including estimated costs for each of these packages 7 How have you financed your project so far? Why is further funding from private or public sources not an option? Please describe how you have secured financing so far for your project. Have you already talked with other investors? What was their feedback? Why is financing not possible by other means? 8 How do you define the success of your project during its implementation and after its completion? How do you envision the long-term success of your project and what specific criteria will you use to measure this success in economic as well as societal terms (e.g. by naming key performance indicators KPIs)?Ê 9 What challenges do you see in the development of your project? What are the biggest hurdles and risks in realizing the project? SPRIND is looking for disruptive innovations that, among other things, are currently too risky for other investors. What technological challenges have you already confronted and what potential obstacles could hamper your project? What technological limitations does your project have to deal with? What other challenges are conceivable that could jeopardize the success of the project (e.g. economic or societal)? How can they be overcome? 10 How are the things you want to achieve currently being done? Why has this practice not been successful so far? How has the problem been solved so far (HOW and not who!)? What is the current state of the art concerning the problem you have described? Where do you see the limitations/weaknesses of current practice? Why is a paradigm shift or radical change necessary? There are different approaches to solving the same problem. A change of perspective to other disciplines can often go beyond one's own practice and can generate innovative solutions.Ê 11 Which other companies, research groups or institutions are working on the same or a similar project as yours? How do they differ and what are the similarities? Which other organizations, research groups or companies are working on comparable projects or are facing similar challenges (WHO and not how)? Name the leading experts in your field and in adjacent disciplines. How have they contributed to current research and technology and how are you integrating this knowledge into your project? 12 Who exactly will benefit from your project and who are potential customers? Please specify the main users or customers of your innovation. For which demographic groups will your project create added value? For which companies or other institutions will your project offer new incentives? What potential does your project offer to the current and future target markets? Can your innovation create a new ecosystem? How will you enter the market and access potential customers? 13 Assuming that your potential disruptive innovation had been fully realized and had developed its greatest possible impact: How would you describe the world in such a scenario? How will your innovation change life in society and the whole world? What is your vision and what concrete effects on society and the market do you expect? How can your innovation contribute to overcoming deficiency and inequality? For example, does it address specific sustainability goals? What profound social or cultural changes would it bring about to promote a fairer and more harmonious society? What impact would your innovation have on economic structures? How could it help to enable prosperity for all and a future without economic worries? 14 Are you working alone on your project or are there other team members who support you? How is your team structured? What specific knowledge and strengths do they bring to the table? In which areas do you still need capacity? Describe, for example, the specific strengths and competencies of your team that are crucial for the implementation of the project. Identify areas where your team needs additional support and explain how you plan to address these challenges. Explain how motivated your team is to drive the project forward and why you believe that only you and your team can successfully overcome the challenges. CVs can be uploaded under ÒAdditional documentsÓ. 15 How can SPRIND specifically support your project, even beyond financial support? What additional help or resources do you need? For example, this could be support in the form of expertise, access to networks and partnerships, technical resources or strategic advice. Ê How did you become aware of SPRIND? Ê Have you ever submitted an application to us? Ê 13 (13) 1 (13)